HereIbe...a hireaccountNamerica...comegetme!!!
To yeol fairytalersOparnells tudwhore series... let this be ur last warning!!!
Ye'll find no mercy nor grace period on this site!!! Ur days are numbered & wanting!!!
The names given are not changed to protect the innocent for theirs no such person in ur ranks.
Stay all the wayoff my site if u plan to censure or tryn bullydike me into silence.
This site is for honest evaluation of the minor details missing in the tudor series versions of Blasphemy & great stupid things recorded for no one othr than the mutt of them all Cathryn parnell...Camille?
So don't expect me to sit & talk limey with ur flappnretards on xxx leftovrcrow...its not on the menu here K?
Rule #1. NEVER give the glory 4 anything elizabeth tried to authorize to her worthless excuse of a martyr,Anne Boleyn.
This also includes cathryn. Who is not her martyrs bettrapps2elizabeth...there's nevr been any authorization for parnell with elizabeth. NEVER. Their foreuthor is cromwellian dictators of warwicks bear John Dudley for whom robert,his sidekeck,was also a martyr for,preventing the entire truth about the dissolution of the monasteries from getting to the media by shackling her to a wall or such like common practices during that period.
These records are designed to alert the reader to the rational during those times, that woman were no more valuable than the property they owned & it was subject to some man of the great whore CATHRYN ANNE Boleyn...
Rule #2 Do Not attempt to regulate time periods or age differances because years were dissolved & characters are informally switched & dissassociated with the original identity... therefore many who were not born replaced those who were claimed dead or well, marriedoff'martyrd'... I simply mean that many names were broughtup in anothr period to distract the observr from the obvious deliniation of facts & change the focus altogether.
Rule#3 Recognize that the people who are put away are those to whom money is sercured by the disolvers for their removal. In accordance with the persons claim to charity,they would be dlineated or misdirecting their true identity for the most obvious reasons...they were inquisitioned & putaway for their witholding of charity,...the bigger the resister, the nastier his profile unto this day!
I sincerely hope to deter the romantic novelist from any concerns of impressing their flyon!