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Tuesday, June 26, 2012


HereIbe...a hireaccountNamerica...comegetme!!!

The heretical name of the toxictwins, john & robert dudley, has been long forgotten as somehow theyv become 'rock stars' recently...

John was the foreauthor of king Edward VI's dissolution & John's son, Robert Dudley, the armies of it...

Much is recorded about Queen Elizabeth keeping robert as her favorite, in spite of many complications throughout their lives, even as it seems they grew up together. Claims that their birthdays were the same add further suspicion to the drama that unfolds for the stage of Shakespeare.
It seems that the pen name was a good disguise for much of what Robert was left to turn into fairytales, alongside kingJameslatimerhoward'...his brother and a likely suspect for Marlowes impersonation of John dudley...the formerforeauthorOheretics.

     Robert was the french armies of the dissolution rather of bloody mary & kathrynanne was he who slaughtered many jews & priests of the levitical rites to Arrans exiles...such as ,Thomas Herteford/ Cranmer, archbishop of canterbury, Edward Seymour, Beauchamp & Mary Seymour.  They then, sent to trial Jane(grey)Seymour ,who John Dudley was the chief prosecutor & executioner of, desiring to be her lawyer and kathryn suggested. It was Jane's oath to maintain her son Edwards charity & Johns offer of a higher crown to Canadas exiles to keep Edward under hugh latimer howard/james new impersonation of the throne of Arran wud be her only reprieve from the flames, of which she denied, so going to the stake with Thomas Wyatt & 300 priests of the holy order that day.
Robert Dudley & his father John would light that torch upon their wedding day & turn them into hells bellsOiniquity for the new queen marys (Stuarts) wedding cake with John Dudley. That day she would rename John , Lyle Darnley, as he was lyle viscount, john little, duke of northumberland. The name change was not that significant, yet his supposed martyrdom for jane grey & guilford would eliminate any further suspicions. The stage was set on that bloody dayOyeolcrowsnest... they'd never get off their head.
Robert Dudley was sent out by mary to clean up the leftovers of that incredible sight , first thing in the morning...after the party...being promised his 'just deserts' with elizabeth for all he should be so eternally grateful to sit at their tables of vomit & partake.
Could Elizabeth not be aware of what was happening ? This incident was at edinburgh castlerock. She was supposedly detained at the may be that she was actually somewhere near this crowd in scottland , listening to it all from her cell, as was the given circumstance for her in many cases...her mother kathrynanne was the one to setup the entire prosecution for her sister Jane Seymour...elizabeths aunt. What about this would endear her to robert dudley, after hearing that her brother king Edwards throne was disolved & his people slaughtered by robert ? Her own mother kathrynannne claiming edward was her son now that they could keep him up in canada, as hughlatimerhowardJames...secret order to a higher crownOhell, that mocked edwards martyrs crown, that day. Theyd also like to claim they were the ones taking the higher crown upon the exodus of the protestant throne of zion...alas, they became the songOcrow. King Edward was forced to endure until the armada when Elizabeth assuredly made some waves of her own  to see her brothers people avenged .
 Robert Dudley may have been the one she was dumping off with his versions ...there is much speculation as to why cromwell would ask her to authorize his versions for the bishops bible ...its clear that shakespeares influence of the day had been the offspring of these liars & their jesters pulpit...evading the truth & accumalating many riches from the necks of protestants resisting the stages lies & purgery of royalty altogether. As those puritans were hunted down & impaled with their formers.
Elizabeth would have no part in that  was her brothers people they were deleting from the records alongside herself. It's more likely than not that Robert was her chief prison guard & would maintain his forefather John's (Lyle Darnley) secrets for jane greys versions at all costs for latimerhoward, who would become the male heir. They had overun Elizabeths rights to the translations her brothers people were being slaughtered for. How would she be any less a martyr alongside those who would become the avenging pirates clan to over throw the whole bloody stage & its foreauthor's of liars at the armada?
Elizabeth would abdicate for the sake of truth & salvation unto the higher courts O heaven she would meet her brother at & bring down their impostercrown forcedupon the head of Edward makes for more of a war of worlds for Elizabeth...certainly drake had apart somehow. Was Robert right behind her?...with Jamestown? or as an ally to deny his own right to exile her brother, Edward? 
It is more highly suspect that robet dudley & hugh latimerhoward James were a team of favorite inseperables upon the shakespearean stage of raleigh & marlowe the pretenders. actors, none the less, out of necessity of anonymnity...& the throne
There is more evidence that the armada was a war of charades over translations that had no place in the old world full of foul, unclean & hateful bards... of which Robert was chief, as his father john was, the kingmaker counterfeiting of these actors & their place in his partnership with latimerJames...who would take over when Elizabeth "dies"...
did robert die for James...being more martyrd to him & their versions of jane gay greys mystery...and kathrynanne (impersonating Elizabeth), their martyr.?
Elizabeth would require complete dissolution from the old world & his formerfathers records along with her mothers great fraud of her own throne for the stage...calling herself kathryn grey, the rival to Elizabeths throne,indeed.
Would robert do as his father John for cromwells versions with kathryn and LatimerJames & try to martyr Elizabeth as jane before prevent a higher crown in canada?
This is the point where cromwell becomes cardinal wolsey & loses his inheritance with the queen altogether as she raids his cathouses he has setup with latimerhoward, his the armada...the true purpose of the event at all was to free herself from the enslavement of Cromwell & kathryn & take the translations of her bishops bible to the new world...possibly geneva, also.
Would Robert abandon his rites to jane greys foreauthorization which he had created for the wealth of the stage as JamesLatimers...favorite? is it possible james & robert were gay? The license to xxx was in full swing as the rites to charity had been dissolved.They were only interested in their indulgences, thus the inspiration for the bishopsbible thesis...nailed to cromwells/the admirals door in renunciation of his treason of Elizabeths financing & trust with the translations according to protestant exiles.
This was a time when men were the only ones to blast a trumpet in the face of women trying to claim anything spiritually within the cathryn was in business with spains covetese convents licensing their xxx creedOgreed & immorality...this is evident later on, as charles becomes the epitomy of effemicy along with anyone on the stage for john wilmot & his pornographic dislplays shocking even the french royalty of the day.  .
The only referance to latimerJames actual parentage is thomas howard & kathryns foreauthorization for edward beauchamp whom they actually slaughtered with Mary Seymour, janes sister. Latimer Howard would sit himself up in the kings place in the monasteries that day of the final dissolutions summons of Jane Seymour & be rid of Mary Seymour at her beheading first in line for his mealticket to the other side. she would have none of his queen.
It seems most women of the order in that day would be slaughtered for refusing a crown that never was royalty above that which they had dissolved with the holy oath of charity. Kathrynanne was the mother of the inquisition upon all these puritanical women & her authorizations turned them all into her versionsOwhorestories for the tudor series pornoperas you see today on the mainstream xxx...intelligence of Cromwell. He was not avenging Elizabeth at any point , he was her enemy...not her foreauthor anymore than kathryn shouldv been called...a martyr in childbirth...of all stupid claims. Nevertheless, they would be the impersonators & pretenders for a stage of saytyrs continuing unto this day.
Elizabeth would not be claiming the unholiercrowsnest with her brother in would be overturning just as jamestowns mystery, without any real record of recognition .
Its more likely she overthrew any remains of that former crowsnest forced upon Edwards head in canada...from beyond in the elizabethan islands perhaps...but fall it would at her presence, for a pauper king that never shouldv been taken in vain, in the first place.
His throne was the royal one to Americas higher courtsOzion...& it was a free claim to His rites to charity & the 10% of land with the true puritans she was the royal mother of , @ all.
Therefore, any stories of shakespeares impersonation reaching the new world would obviously become a witch hunt . Jamestown is a clear recollection of its reception in the new world by natives who would be a kin to receiving puritans in peace & pursecuted jews seeking asylum from the inquisition behind them...
These will not be recorded upon earth...but today, their memory will be called up & the jesters pulpit cast down as the authorities are overturned for the pauper king & his exiled reign to a higher court of heaven come down upon their heads today to see what they have say ....of the ones who payed their way since former days...& bloodbought their freedom to the neworld, these clowns cant see come down in their midst tday...before the only one worthy of being called King Of Kings & Lord Of Lords...
YeshuaMessiach....Jesus Christ...

I live here....I can never leave here...If you had seen all my people had payed for upon this bonnie green stained with blood devine...
you'd see just why , its christJesus in me who has been the only hope of glory...
& theres not going to be a higher crown to stand before Him ...on this day.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Seymour/ Grey sisters...

HereIbe...a hireaccountNamerica...comegetme!!!

The entire heresy involving anne boleyns alias becomes alot clearer when understood through the eyes of an exiles rite to charity & the premise upon which the throne of King Edward was established in the first place with his mother Jane Seymour.
The sole reason behind Janes demise was due to the fact that she was sister to Kathryn(Anne) seymour or Anne Boleyn. When seen as the chief opposition to her sisters throne with King Henry it becomes quite obvious how the mystery evolved into the complex strand of intrigue & deception within convoluted  stories diligently manufactured thoughout the entire reformation & dissolution by a very jealous sister, Kathryn, her bastard son of france & HenryVIII, who couldn't obtain a higher crown with his son upon his own throne of Iniquity because Edward would succeed them all at the higher courts of Arrans exiles, with a royal oath of Levitical charity received by translators of Hebrew texts.
The fact that Jane was quite young when actually becoming pregnant with his son is reflective of the jane grey heresy & the temporary slight of factually reign she may have have alongside her sisters her rival. This is the reason kathryn/anne  gave the ultimatum for jane to exile as jane grey & kathryn greys sister...& not to pop her head up out of her mystery ever again as jane seymour, being claimed dead in childbirth...or jane, not kathryn anne, would indeed lose her head. Kathryn would proceed to call herself the boys spiritual mother as well as Elizabeths, under her new alias as Kathryn Parr....Henrys "next" new queen. Of course kathryn anne would devise a way to twist her own image into the late kathryn of aragons to align herself with yet another alias of whom she would be known as Anne Boleyn. Many more myths about her identity would continue to accumulate throughout the years as she fought public disclosure within an era of entirely forged and burned records.
Jane Seymour would remain an exile...
Anne Boleyn would be considered the mourned martyr...
KathrynAnne would become the exonerated spiritual mother of her own daughter , Elizabeth, of course & that of  Edward.
The bastard, Henry Howard, they claim was also a preliminary to edward (Edward Fitzroy)...hugh latimer howard is another name connected with Kathryn Howard in this mystery. Kathryn set him up as James Hamilton, (Henry Valoi) along with mary and darnley, at the dethroning of jane & edward with wyatts rebellion, they claim began with jane greys succession.
This was when they sent Jane to court to offer her an exile to canada with John Dudley, her attorney and prosecutor, who would claim Edward in order to set the rites to charity under henry/hugh latimer howard/james. She refused & went to the stake along with wyatt & 300 priests of the levitical code of Arran whom they referred to as insurgents.
This began marys marriage and reign with john dudley & Roberts designs to incarcerate Elizabeth in order to maintain Janes mystery & align himself with the authorizations and subdue Elizabeth under James. Of course, his intentions were to bring her under the catholic faith, as he had just slaughtered the two leaders of Arran...Cranmer & Edward Seymour, Beauchamp. Robert was the one to in fact, gather the remains of the 300 martyrs at Castlerock, Edinburgh courtyard...& his mind was in no way removed from their mystery upon his head or weakened in his sole purpose of censoring any memory by Elizabeth of the matter.
With the coming years of madness Mary of Scotts would bring upon the masses...Robert & his father, John, her King (Darnley) were quite boldly given to the regime of marys service...they were in no way at all...protestant, as their records would imply.
At the explosion of the cottage they claim Mary blew up her despised husband within, she herself and their new heir, James, were in fact, also destroyed. This was the accomplishment of the Northern Armies of Elizabeth, no doubt, possibly blowing a crater in her mothers plans to overthrow her with her french brother, Henry Howard/Valoi, and a recompense for the removal of Edward along with her father the King, quite possibly. Elizabeth may have taken drastic measures if only to be rid of the competitiveness.
This move would hence be altogether to entirely impossible to explain to the public witness so another lie was manufactured, calling Mary the exile now along with her son, James.
I believe this is when Elizabeth may have left the isle and abdicated the throne in deference to her brother who she knew would have no problem removing her as well as he had her brother. So, it is more likely she accomplished the journey to the New World and made her trip to Canada as Virginia to reunite with her brother, King EdwardVI and bring him to the Americas as was originally planned by the dissolved protestants of his mother, Jane.
The ensuing mystery of shakespeare continues to reshape the truth about her and her identity as records imply that Kathyrn Grey had attempts at trying to steal her throne, as well as Henry Howard attempted to usurp the throne of Edward. Since Kathryn and Henry were actually the inquisitioning and overthrowing team of Mary of Scotts, it makes sense that they did indeed succeed all of those of whom would try to get in their way.
Because men would have favor over women in court during those days, the easier course would be abdication and a total theatrical production for James Howard/Henry Valoi and his mother Kathrynanne Medici. King James would become the King of which no records could reveal since the vatican had control of the translations he and the Dudleys had inquisitioned from EdwardVI and Queen Janes levitical court at Arran Isle. The authorizations of Elizabeths bible translations are faulty if not more replacements by the infamous name of Kathryn, in any number of the names she used with her shifty pen. The wars of the Armadas would more likely than not be over the competitive censoriship which she endured throughout her life at court. I do beleive it was she who blew up the global theatre productions of her brother Henry/Shakespeare and her mother Kathryn Medici. Phillips armies would obviously take part in Elizabeths subdual and ultimate chase from Europe altogether, in favor of Henry Valoi as King of England, Ireland and Scotland.
So, to suggest anything protestant is left of James Medici's reign is absolute blasphemy and not worthy of consideration in the line of any divine rites of Kings. He was a usurper and a Pretender and the records also record the disease of which vampires are known. Homosexuality bred by those effeminate men he would consort with continued for 100 years until the plague wiped out England and left very little trace of the truth concerning the life of James himself. Whatever remained of his identity was a fabrication if only for the sake of preserving some sort of veil for public viewing of the forauthorizations of the King James Bible itself.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Shakn spears @ elizabeth...

HereIbe...a hireaccountNamerica...comegetme!!!

Shakespears inquisition for romes confiscation of the biblical translations & charity was the sole purpose of elizabeths rivalry with scottlands versions for latimer/james & his mother,also, kathryn/anne boleyn. Since the fall of mary & john dudley with their heir at holyrood...latimer would impersonate james under kathryn who was also impersonating elizabeth, for the stage, to maintain her exiled reign.
Robert Dudley was indeed the remaining military leader for the inquisition which had overthrown the monasteries of jane & edward, alongside his father john dudley...whom mary & john instructed to actually clean up the remains of those burned martyrs at castlerock. Elizabeth was locked in the tower for this event & yet we see how she couldnt possibly contain roberts involvement with the whole matter at the years to come after roberts fathers demise. The truth of johns fatherhood to marys heir was a mystery robert would fight to maintain , most assuredly. Though , obviously he may entertain the idea of replacing his fathers illigitimacy with his never seemed to materialize for the very reason of his military association with the inquisition designed to replace the truth with a lie...robert fought the same ghosts his father did, in that jane rejected johns proposal for canadas exile & elizabeth would follow suit with robert. This would be an inside joke also...seeing robert would never be a real king any more that guilford dudley, the pretend king of the grey fraud.
Robet also knew of the exile of edward to canada & would maintain that secret as well for his favorite brother ,latimer/james & participate more notably in elizabeths exile before her brother , the coming pretender & author of king james versions.  Therefore we see two figures prominently dominating the stage in the early parts of elizabeths reign...marlowe/latimer & sir walter raleigh/robert dudley...these two would cause the significant force of censorship upon anything elizabeth was prone to publish for her brother edwards validation & that of her former protestant allies being hunted as witches & slaughtered or 'impaled' as theyd call vlatimer the impaler.
Seeing that kathryn was also imposing the false image of her former dark image of anne boleyn, it would also remain imperative for her to assign an image to elizabeth resembling more her 'living' mother...for the stage. Therefore the rivalry for the throne with kathryn grey...annes true face would neccessarily become the rival image for elizabeths publications. The tyranny with which she lived under her mothers mystery was uncanny & . Phillip would also be a major threat of retaliation for rome continually , rather join forces with cromwellian censorship indeed, the admirals men of the howards, to see that all the stage promoted would represent the dissolution of which mary was the queen of heretics...he may try to win elizabeths favor but joined with roberts french military, its very hard to comprehend the kind of exile they maintained her silence under. It seems elizabeths final image for the stage appears more in the image of the two marys recorded in falsehood...for the italian leanings of shakespeares stage & their jesters pulpit for latimer/marlowe.
In reality, there was just one mary, daughter of the spanish realm of kathryn of aragon...claimed a martyr,also.
Mary tudor was the truer face of that spanish daughter, while the first mary was phillips disposal of her tyranny altogether, obviously, turning her into another martyr...instead. So in the end we have two images of one sick witch of the inquisition whose reign may have lasted longer than recorded validly. It seems elizabeths image gets  rearranged somewhere with the former image of mary...typically burying anything of reality beneath mary tudors evil reign alongside elizabeth...until the explosion of holyrood, for which the records deny anything amiss with mary or james. The fact that they too were buried beneath the rubble would be sufficient cause for elizabeths exodus from the 'stage' of that inquisition era anyway...but it could be she fought off phillips new attempts to gain control for some time before her armada-exodus.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


HereIbe...a hireaccountNamerica...comegetme!!!

 Image result for jesters pulpit

Here lies the echoes of her princes last act onyeol jesters pulpit...
A finer samplingOheresy for a queen notgot quitenuff ofit....
We shall see nomore smoke from ye wee paupersOprotest
Nor hear faint suspicions from allthose old puritans abroad
Barely a telltale descenter before her throne of impostwhores..
All is done as well said in the fashionable disreguard!

Oh for a wordwith the true queenOyeol shakespearean genius....
Aye & shud ye not utterlyban her distain be it most obvious?
When surely her performance shall endure throughout ages...
Wherebe ye said wiitch of old hunted & flockedoff in her cages?!

Give ye an account Oher protest on yeol jesters pulpit?
Walkn cathryn down fairyquenlane for her howlndogs dressrehearsal off it!
Ye admiralsmen cramnitwelldown herunholiermoutherization?
Me thinks yeolady doth protest Not be her inglorious acclamation...!

Aye! Rival yethe throneOye ol Jesters Pulpit!...
Caesars stalls overturned to see Bess up & all the way out of it!...
All flattery belongs to mutts great pretender,lordaemonology...
Marlatimores eternalseedOyefairy &divineriots to the theology!

Savnup4yeselves D' unholierbairns on yeol Jesterspulpit?
All by some marlovian preisthag collectnupon somuchmoreofit...
The poorpettypuritans don't knowwellnuff Oyesmell in theneworld...
To uttlerlyfry yelastact to the bludyplagued name somuch fullerOwhorehouse...than we are!!!
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012


HereIbe...a hireaccountNamerica...comegetme!!!


HereIbe...a hireaccountNamerica...comegetme!!!

Jesters Pulpit

HereIbe...a hireaccountNamerica...comegetme!!!

 Image result for jesters pulpit
Here lies the echoes of her princes last act onyeol jesters pulpit...
A finer samplingOheresy for a queen notgot quitenuff ofit....
We shall see nomore smoke from ye wee paupersOprotest
Nor hear faint suspicions from allthose old puritans abroad
Barely a telltale descenter before her throne of impostwhores..
All is done as well said in the fashionable disreguard!

Oh for a wordwith the true queenOyeol shakespearean genius....
Aye & shud ye not utterlyban her distain be it most obvious?
When surely her performance shall endure throughout ages...
Wherebe ye said wiitch of old hunted & flockedoff in her cages?!

Give ye an account Oher protest on yeol jesters pulpit?
Walkn cathryn down fairyquenlane for her howlndogs dressrehearsal off it!
Ye admiralsmen cramnitwelldown herunholiermoutherization?
Me thinks yeolady doth protest Not be her inglorious acclamation...!

Aye! Rival yethe throneOye ol Jesters Pulpit!...
Caesars stalls overturned to see Bess up & all the way out of it!...
All flattery belongs to mutts great pretender,lordaemonology...
Marlatimores eternalseedOyefairy &divineriots to the theology!

Savnup4yeselves D' unholierbairns on yeol Jesterspulpit?
All by some marlovian preisthag collectnupon somuchmoreofit...
The poorpettypuritans don't knowwellnuff Oyesmell in theneworld...
To uttlerlyfry yelastact to the bludyplagued name somuch fullerOwhorehouse...than we are!!

Exiled Reign

HereIbe...a hireaccountNamerica...comegetme!!!
Search ye the lost vision upon her horizon?...
Vanquished afar from ye establishmentOdelusion...
How lofty the look upon a mariners tideOrecollection...
Surely her exiled haunt shud reign with no bludier windsOdetection...

But now we hold nosuch lady invain or wantOliquer...
The merchant kings stage is a bedfullOvomit for allhecan takeOher...
Turn beauty to ashes & royalove into leftovers...
Wheregoes the praise before unending offeringsOflattery?...

I live here-I can never leave here...
She reigns there where the heart alone can hold her...
The bonnie green shall never tell ...
The bloodystains remebered well..
By he who wud subdue & yet be king...
To his fairyquen & her exiled reign...

As wild as the rose will passions rule
Ore the king who trades love for gold as a fool...
But purer than the rose is her love for he
Who plucks the thorny crown to set her free!...
For once the kings heart is ruled by the world...
Her loveshant be found among his treasures ofold...
So make away alas with his sacred burial ground...
Beforewhome we shall rule ...his good ol glorious dunghell drown!...

I lived there I could never leave there...
For a slaves wages I labor nomore or remember where...
Time had forgotten my heritage beyond...& kept secret all my pauperking has found...
The royal landOpromise on this weddnday...
My truer love has he...alone...
upon our Exiled Reign!

Shakespeare Unveiled

kathrynanneboleyn unveiled - Google Docs

HereIbe...a hireaccountNamerica...comegetme!!!

Disputings over the identity of the mother of queen elizabeth, anne boleyn, are obviously 
tampered with again by cromwell & the authorizations of king james alias latimer who is the son 
of kathryn or anne boleyn. Therefore we see another fraudulent example of her image again as 
she turns her face into kathryn of aragons spanish view in order to hide the fact that she is not at 
all a martyr as anne boleyn but has indeed turned her name to kathryn & the face of anne boleyn 
into aragons so as not to associate the two kathryns image she hides behind. the true face of 
anne boleyn then is kathryn grey, parr, seymour, howard...ect. She is the authorization of hugh 
latimer howard who assumes the identity of king james after the real james is buried along with 
bludy mary & john dudley in the holyrood explosion . Therefore anne boleyn is also twisting the 
identity of elizabeth for hugh latimers impersonation of james above all else & maintaining marys 
versions of the dissolution of jane & edward, for the dead jane seymour & jane grey, instead.  
So KathrynAnne is then become kathryn of aragons face & the mother of bludy mary 'tudor'  
also...therefore she must change elizabeths features to reflect the new image of anne boleyn in 
order to distract from kathryn seymour,grey, parr,ect. who all reflect the more british type image 
of anne as she looked is a disassociation of culture obviously to conceal the fact that 
she was not actually martyred at janes succession at all. She in fact, exiled jane & distorted her 
new identity as kathryn seymour, janes sister for the years to come even as francis dorset, jane 
greys mother, no less. It was indeed Anne Boleyn who ordered Jane seymour into exile & 
renamed her identity as jane grey, inventing the grey lineage of kathryn grey as her new alias 
connected with elizabeth as her supposed rival. Therefore all of the publicity goes to kathryns 
face more or less rearranged as the spiritual mother of the stage & for the records 
of cromwell & james. Kathryn of aragon is now supposed the dead Anne Boleyn . The new 
image of elizabeth must reflect that of the darker dead anne,of course, therefore turning 
elizabeths eyes into the darker reflection of the dead kathrynanne. Associations with her new 
name can be disguarded rather easily since the names & faces are interchanged quite neatly. 
Therefore we see that the british type face of kathryn grey & parr is closer to what anne boleyn 
actually was the image of & also the mother of an illigitimate son, hugh latimer howard, anyones 
guess as to the true father. He it is who assumes the throne of king edward at the fall of the 
higher courts of zion & then overthrows every woman in his path to the throne of king 
james...ultimately being associated with homosexuality & witchunts. Anne Boleyn was indeed 
the queen of counterfeits & has systematically erased any evidence of the protestant versions of 
jane or elizabeth, her daughter. since these secrets were abolished under the reign of  mary the 
sister of elizabeth, it follows that annekathryn would continue to bury them all under marys 
unholierface...more closely associated with annes catholic image of aragon. The image of a 
darker anne boleyn is a lie as is the darker eyes of elizabeth. it can only mean that kathrynanne & 
elizabeth were impersonated for a spanish cabalistic stage of the inquisition of phillip & the 
howards/jameslatimer for shakespeare. That name in itself would come to mean inquisition of 
anything protestant & yes, anne boleyn/kathryn greyparr was behind its creation from the start. 
These heretics were the dissolution of the monasteries of king edward & would continue their 
inquisition for the indulgences of that era for a stage of great things full of blasphemy . Anyone 
protestant caught among them with the true elizabeth or janes translations would be labeled a 
'witch for the hunt'...& hauled off. Shakespeare was truly a spear shaking in the face of any 
protestant or puritan in order to maintain kathrynannes & latimerjames alias for the stage of 
cromwell & phillip.  
It only seems relevant then that elizabeth must make away from such a scene or be martyred to 
or by phillip & her own mother , who had in essence replaced her as queen for the stage. There 
is no doubt in a thinking mind that elizabeth herself was under inquisition & locked up for that 
reason for more of her reign in the old world than not. It was only for the cause of her own life & 
freedom from phillip & kathryns tyranny that she would abdicate any & all rights to a throne that 
never was protestant in the first place, anymore than shakespeares impersonation of royalty at 
Cromwell would indeed be called the admiral for all his 'men' of that fraudulent stage whereby 
these heresies were made common ideologies by an oppressed & confiscated society 
concerning religeon on all levels. This is what made the exodus to the new world more likely than 
not for puritans opposing this blasphemy of cromwell & jameslatimer...could it be that cromwell 
was indeed hugh latimer howards father by annekathryn 'howard'...? It stands more suspect in 
light of any facts about him in particular during an age he more or less kept under his own lock & 
key the records of the inquisition altogether banned from public knowledge or speech. This may 
have had serious impact upon the gaelige language of the day that reflected a jewish translation 
of the scrolls during edwards reign. In order to confiscate those translations , one must also 
confiscate the language they intend to be rid of or at least transform into a  new language, that of 
scottsgaelige, under which many secrets are well preserved & twisted by the spanish cabbalists 
of the day for king james assumed for bludy mary tudor, the continuum.  
There is said to be a break in the traditional gaelige of that era around the time of marys 
succession, thus revealing the fact that cromwell also influenced the publics speech of these 
events as well as the records. Today the gaelige language is still showing signs of inquisition & 
fierce opposition in the educational ranks denying access to its teachings at all to the financially 