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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Seymour/ Grey sisters...

HereIbe...a hireaccountNamerica...comegetme!!!

The entire heresy involving anne boleyns alias becomes alot clearer when understood through the eyes of an exiles rite to charity & the premise upon which the throne of King Edward was established in the first place with his mother Jane Seymour.
The sole reason behind Janes demise was due to the fact that she was sister to Kathryn(Anne) seymour or Anne Boleyn. When seen as the chief opposition to her sisters throne with King Henry it becomes quite obvious how the mystery evolved into the complex strand of intrigue & deception within convoluted  stories diligently manufactured thoughout the entire reformation & dissolution by a very jealous sister, Kathryn, her bastard son of france & HenryVIII, who couldn't obtain a higher crown with his son upon his own throne of Iniquity because Edward would succeed them all at the higher courts of Arrans exiles, with a royal oath of Levitical charity received by translators of Hebrew texts.
The fact that Jane was quite young when actually becoming pregnant with his son is reflective of the jane grey heresy & the temporary slight of factually reign she may have have alongside her sisters her rival. This is the reason kathryn/anne  gave the ultimatum for jane to exile as jane grey & kathryn greys sister...& not to pop her head up out of her mystery ever again as jane seymour, being claimed dead in childbirth...or jane, not kathryn anne, would indeed lose her head. Kathryn would proceed to call herself the boys spiritual mother as well as Elizabeths, under her new alias as Kathryn Parr....Henrys "next" new queen. Of course kathryn anne would devise a way to twist her own image into the late kathryn of aragons to align herself with yet another alias of whom she would be known as Anne Boleyn. Many more myths about her identity would continue to accumulate throughout the years as she fought public disclosure within an era of entirely forged and burned records.
Jane Seymour would remain an exile...
Anne Boleyn would be considered the mourned martyr...
KathrynAnne would become the exonerated spiritual mother of her own daughter , Elizabeth, of course & that of  Edward.
The bastard, Henry Howard, they claim was also a preliminary to edward (Edward Fitzroy)...hugh latimer howard is another name connected with Kathryn Howard in this mystery. Kathryn set him up as James Hamilton, (Henry Valoi) along with mary and darnley, at the dethroning of jane & edward with wyatts rebellion, they claim began with jane greys succession.
This was when they sent Jane to court to offer her an exile to canada with John Dudley, her attorney and prosecutor, who would claim Edward in order to set the rites to charity under henry/hugh latimer howard/james. She refused & went to the stake along with wyatt & 300 priests of the levitical code of Arran whom they referred to as insurgents.
This began marys marriage and reign with john dudley & Roberts designs to incarcerate Elizabeth in order to maintain Janes mystery & align himself with the authorizations and subdue Elizabeth under James. Of course, his intentions were to bring her under the catholic faith, as he had just slaughtered the two leaders of Arran...Cranmer & Edward Seymour, Beauchamp. Robert was the one to in fact, gather the remains of the 300 martyrs at Castlerock, Edinburgh courtyard...& his mind was in no way removed from their mystery upon his head or weakened in his sole purpose of censoring any memory by Elizabeth of the matter.
With the coming years of madness Mary of Scotts would bring upon the masses...Robert & his father, John, her King (Darnley) were quite boldly given to the regime of marys service...they were in no way at all...protestant, as their records would imply.
At the explosion of the cottage they claim Mary blew up her despised husband within, she herself and their new heir, James, were in fact, also destroyed. This was the accomplishment of the Northern Armies of Elizabeth, no doubt, possibly blowing a crater in her mothers plans to overthrow her with her french brother, Henry Howard/Valoi, and a recompense for the removal of Edward along with her father the King, quite possibly. Elizabeth may have taken drastic measures if only to be rid of the competitiveness.
This move would hence be altogether to entirely impossible to explain to the public witness so another lie was manufactured, calling Mary the exile now along with her son, James.
I believe this is when Elizabeth may have left the isle and abdicated the throne in deference to her brother who she knew would have no problem removing her as well as he had her brother. So, it is more likely she accomplished the journey to the New World and made her trip to Canada as Virginia to reunite with her brother, King EdwardVI and bring him to the Americas as was originally planned by the dissolved protestants of his mother, Jane.
The ensuing mystery of shakespeare continues to reshape the truth about her and her identity as records imply that Kathyrn Grey had attempts at trying to steal her throne, as well as Henry Howard attempted to usurp the throne of Edward. Since Kathryn and Henry were actually the inquisitioning and overthrowing team of Mary of Scotts, it makes sense that they did indeed succeed all of those of whom would try to get in their way.
Because men would have favor over women in court during those days, the easier course would be abdication and a total theatrical production for James Howard/Henry Valoi and his mother Kathrynanne Medici. King James would become the King of which no records could reveal since the vatican had control of the translations he and the Dudleys had inquisitioned from EdwardVI and Queen Janes levitical court at Arran Isle. The authorizations of Elizabeths bible translations are faulty if not more replacements by the infamous name of Kathryn, in any number of the names she used with her shifty pen. The wars of the Armadas would more likely than not be over the competitive censoriship which she endured throughout her life at court. I do beleive it was she who blew up the global theatre productions of her brother Henry/Shakespeare and her mother Kathryn Medici. Phillips armies would obviously take part in Elizabeths subdual and ultimate chase from Europe altogether, in favor of Henry Valoi as King of England, Ireland and Scotland.
So, to suggest anything protestant is left of James Medici's reign is absolute blasphemy and not worthy of consideration in the line of any divine rites of Kings. He was a usurper and a Pretender and the records also record the disease of which vampires are known. Homosexuality bred by those effeminate men he would consort with continued for 100 years until the plague wiped out England and left very little trace of the truth concerning the life of James himself. Whatever remained of his identity was a fabrication if only for the sake of preserving some sort of veil for public viewing of the forauthorizations of the King James Bible itself.