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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Witch Hunts of James Parnell...

HereIbe...a hireaccountNamerica...comegetme!!!

After serious consideration of the period type so-called superstitions...I've come to recognize the fact that James had many reasons to call up these 'witch hunts' for those protestants who were of the Elizabethan publications of the Bishops & Geneva bibles. Cromwell is the obvious instigator in these inquisitions to begin with the dissolution of the monasteries of wich he claimed any & all translations of scriptures for his own namesake. So it follows, he along with Katherine Parnell were the ones to formalize any kind of 'authorization' for any of the publications they kept Elizabeth under, therefore , her original attempts at the bishops bible publications were thwarted by Cramwell & Katherines censorship of the dissolutions records Elizabeth most likely was intending to make public record. They twisted her original intentions & she would not authorize or sign her name to what was left of the truth she had evidently payed to have printed.
The Geneva exiles would therefore also be preserving that wich Cromwell & Parnell would be censoring & hunting down to prevent their own exposure by Elizabeth. This also includes the obvious imprisonments she went through for their eroneous reasons given at the time. How much of this witch hunting continued unto the armada makes for more indepth discussion at its root cause. Reguardless of what James eventually claimed as his own authorizations , his own attempts at censorship descended from all that Cromwell had experienced as Elizabeths uncooperation. Thus her words 'If I had been crested & not cloven , you wouldn't have spoken of me thus'... In this light we then see that this 'james', of whom I actually doubt was james at all...
would have had history to formulate & associate his versions of the doctrines of Daemonology into these 'witch hunts' , for whom may be reserved for those inquisitioned under Elizabeths versions who refused as she did to disreguard the obvious Daemons of the conquest, Cromwell & his censors of Katherine Parnell, this 'step-mother' who seems to get alot more recognition for religeous writings than she's worth. Therefore , I'd remind all foreauthors of the James versions to beware of their own censorship in that the armada was obviously due to more of a religeous nature than is recorded & those licensing the bloodletters of James ,Cromwell & Katherine Parnell are due for a more direct descent into the mysterysea they tried to make of Elizabeth & the protestant translations of the levitical code of we all remember, their enemies are well, Dung!

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