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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Reformation and the dissolution of monasterial charity

         For some time I've been posting brief satirical rants concerning banned reformation history. At this point, a direct confrontation with those capitalizing on the CW's "Reign" series about a fabricated exile and beheading of Mary, queen of Scots has sparked a controversy over established translations, and confirmed suspicions of an inquisition concerning her apostate Scottish rite to rob Levitical charity for the Vatican, and attempts to maintain the mystery surrounding the true martyrs slain with the final dissolution of the monasteries.
         Facts regarding martyrs of the monasterial rulers maintaining levitical rites of Arran were put away and banned in order to prevent their "resurrection day" to the new world, which during that era was referred to as "the higher courts of heaven." The conquest of America was instead claimed by the throne of iniquity to maintain land rites under the catholic inquisitors bloody crowsnest. The dissolution was at last, an attempt to collect up on the charity of those monasteries and prevent them from becoming a higher crown in the new world, for which many exiles were slain and their records deleted by the lowest accounts of hellsbellsOjizebel valois/castilles unholierthroneOiniquity.

            It is another significant fabrication that Anne, the mother of Elizabeth, was actually executed by Henry, but rather preserved by royal records due to the stigma of the incestuous connection between two sisters in mortal combat over one king which would prove reason enough for extreme measures in public deception. It was actually Annes intention to inform her rival sister Jane of her rites to subject herself under the new identity of  the "Grey" bloodline, although referred to as Seymours under Kathryn and Thomas Seymour (Cranmer). Boleyns sidelined public speculation by her subjective reign under Cromwells service as advisor in this matter, who considered himself the forauthor of them all. It was Cromwell who would enlist military to impersonate Janes shortlived pregnancy and dispose of the memory concerning Jane (Boleyn, Seymour, Grey) as a living entity among the courts and now rather secretly to reign in the monasteries as an exile to Arran Isle, Scotland. The ensuing martyrdom of Anne Boleyn would provide an escape, who would begin her new marriage to Henry Valois as Kathryn Anne DeMedici. Anne Boleyn would thencefore be considered the benevolent martyr and Elizabeths legitimacy would hinge upon her attatchment to protestants under her brother King Edward VI and Jane. Elizabeth would also become an exile during childhood under Kathryn Seymour, her grandmother and Thomas and aunt Jane her spiritual mother and father. 

The manner in which the entire birth of Edward was estalished was carried out with such secrecy and blatantly impersonated atrocities were accomplished so quickly, that no one dare question the obvious connection, lest they become "bastards" along with Elizabeth. Eyebrows in Rome would be raised in an uproar over this new disregard of marital disconformity, and interfered by Anne Boleyn/Aragons attempts at claiming the throne for the catholic uprising of Mary Tudor, in effect using this slight of hand to deal a deeper blow to the pocketbook of the British throne at every available opportunity, beginning with the monasterial inquisition of which Kathryn Anne was the obvious sceptre of control as Henry Tudors queen mother of them all. The obvious war between Henry and Thomas Seymour/Cranmer would be another point of departure for Elizabeth concerning a future crown and therefore also at war with Cromwell and Henry over the rivalry for succession after King Edward VI's fall. 
        Therefore, the exile of one potential queen and her son, Edward, and the invention of the Seymour identity as Grey was necessary to maintain public spotlight upon Kathryn as queen instead of Jane Seymour, who was claimed dead in childbirth, never to be mentioned again outside of the invented Grey alias, of which Jane was instructed to "keep her head 'bowed under' lest she pop it up, and someone happen to lop off at the bough." also. 

         Queen Jane Seymour the mother of Edward VI, was the exiled ruler of the monasterial rites to charity, which was dissolved by inquisition, formal acccusations of indulgences, charged of penance funds and robbed continually of the exiled Levites rites to charity and the translations of the bible to whom the rightful Levitical inheritance belonged under the protectorate at Arran Isle. The fact is that Jane was continually under attack by Kathryn and Anne's catholic inquisitor/dissolvers who assumed the rites to anything belonging to his son Edward VI. Therefore, the "protectorate" at the Isle of Arran, was the actual throne of King Edward VI and the persistent usurping of the rites to charity brought continual war upon all monasteries throughout the islands during the Tudor era.

         The armies of the Howards under Cromwell, enlisted the Dudleys who formally maintained Edward VI's accountability to Henry's crown and to the heretical "mystressOabyss" KathrynHoward, the grandmother of Anne Boleyns seed to the Valois as well. Therefore, continual efforts by the Howards armies under Cromwell and Queen Kathryn (Howard) brought forth another source of contention for Henry Howard, she claimed was her son but was Annes seed of the Valois, CharlesIX.  Henry VIII fought an ongoing battle between the Howards claim with KathrynAnne upon the exiled translators who found their place of refuge within Edward VI and his mother Jane and Cranmers Levitical oath to charity. It was a higher court than Henry had afforded Anne, and after her sister Jane had stolen his heart as well as produced his heir, Kathryn and Annes retaliatory onslaught of vengeance against Jane and Edward VI was a never-ending saga of which public disclosure of records is witheld. The general consensus has been to blame Edward VI for the dissolution of Catholic monastic realms, when it was his grandmother and aunt Kathryn and Anne who are solely responsible for the wreckage left behind their conquest and inquisition of the translations and Levitical rites to charity. 

       This rivalry between two queen sisters who were supposedly dead and gone, yet maintaining a quite mutually incompatible battleground, was the unspoken issue behind the ancient inquisitions of whom Kathryn Anne Howard maintained ongoing retaliation against Henry and his reign with Jane's son, the rightful heir, Edward VI at the higher courts of Arrans Exile, making mahem of their higher crown, for which no public records now exist.
          A complication such as the conception of a new french heir by KathrynAnne's alias, once again, would mean the complicity of the entire French court as well. So, the identity of Diane D'Pointe' was wrought with her bastard, for whom Frances courts recognize as Henry Valois, otherwise known as Henry Howard, the usurper, in the U.K.
          It may also be true that the association with Kathryns "marriage" to Hugh Latimer Howard, entertwined with twisted terminology regarding "married" or "mothered." Such integral play on words were used frequently within the duplicity of reality and fiction, especially within records of such a matters. Thus, Henry Howards commonly used name was also Hugh or Latimer by those within monastic ranks, who knew the Howards profuse disposal of facts, and the necessity of maintaining discretion concerning the heir of Frances inquisition, as well as his direct lineage to the Medici's. Hugh was a feared name and for good reason. He was the son for which Kathryn said, she "would not beg like a dog for charity from Jane's son, in her own son's(Henry Fitzroy?) house." (should the monasteries of Jane's son become her own) Her intention had always been to remove Jane and Edward VI's rank as the higher crown of Arran from the memory of anything not caled by her name alongside Medici's lowest accountsOjezebel..and her bastard , Jehoram/HughHenryHowardMedici.
         The fact is that Mary of Scots was the alias, "bloody Mary" for whom historians shifted blame upon co-existing identity, "Mary Tudor" of England. Phillip of Spain is the known progenitor of that line and his entire reign focused upon "Kathryn of Aragons/DeMedici's" disputed ground for his seed at the removal of anything called protestant and indeed he was the destruction of the throne of England as it was known by King HenryVIII. Phillip would have disassociated public recognition from the higher crown of King Edward VI who was  the actual target of the dissolution reigning at the Isle of Arran in Scotland to keep the focus upon his own seed alongside KathrynAnne(DianeD'Pointe') the mother of HenryHowardValois and sister Elizabeth Valois and Isabel. 
The protestant conflicts with Wyatts armies in the French realms were known by all as Navarre which became an alias for anyone associated with King EdwardVI there as well. The Dudleys especially prone to consider themselves Edward VI's protectorate, manufactured an inquisition in France as well, to maintain the realm of Frances connection of Elizabeth Valois or the queen of Scotts and King Edward VI. Would not Henry also try and claim as much ground as possible in an effort to subdue the spreading infestment of Kathrynannes diseased seed of destruction upon the earth? It is possible Henry Tudor took up arms to overthrow the French throne for himself due to the ailing sanity of King Henry of France and Francis the dying King of Mary or Elizabeth Valois, his other son in competition with the bastard, Henry Valois and/or Charles IX.

          Restraining Kathryns sordid concoctions of royal infamy was relatively complicated until Mary of Scots was up for succession in Scotland and had already obtained favor of the Dudleys through Kathryns diligent skills of military management, and who had also been involved in the armies of KathrynAnne DeMedicis French wars over Mary/Elizabeth Valois reign there.  The claws of Kathrynanne were firmly entrenched in the Dudleys dealings at subduing Wyatts "rebellion" and his armies at home and abroad for her purpose of controlling Protestant dissenters and "tell-talers. "The Dudleys would maintain the Howards mystery for AnneKathryn and make persistent attempts at negotiating deals with Jane and Cranmer, to withold her identity from their translated versions of the bible. Most referred to the witch as Babylon, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.

  More evidence leading to the consistent overthrow of all intrusions into their "private matters," continued behind a forged Shakespearean stage of inquisition and blasphemous tone of complete moral disregard. The term "anonymous" would apply to anyone during the era of KathrynAnne, since the woman knew no bounds to her own delusional reign of inbred insanity alongside her daughter Anne DeMedici. It would be harder to be rid of her in reality than in fiction, since her pen dominated Vatican records, though the topic of her elimination was on the agenda for most nations involved with her own mysterious dissolution of identity. Kathryn and Annes alias were divided into several specific areas of their reign to disguise their conquest of America by inquisition and interogation of the monastic reign of protestant Jews and Levites who kept the meticulous records of the age. 
             The real reason behind the final dissolution of charity was a catholic guise of inquisition regarding succession, on the behalf of Marys new allegiance and betrothal to Edward VI, under the Dudleys, earl of Northumberland John(alias: Viscount Lyle Darnley)and his son, Robert Dudley. In fact, Robert would be the only one in line after Marys succession to obtain the Throne of England, contrary as the matter becomes, and his forceful hand of suppression would secure Elizabeth within the castlewalls behind prison bars when trying to defend her true protestant brother, Edward VI, rather than the heretic bastard brother Henry, they would battle for her own throne for a short period of time before abdicating in order to save her life. Robert would align himself with after the destruction of many sovereign translators and lived with their blood on his hands, is a question for the professionals to confirm.The fact that Robert could never be a subject of any throne, whatsoever, anymore than his prosecuting chief father most dread, John Dudley and the tragic end to Jane and Wyatts rebellion in Edinburgh, Scotland. 
There are many suspicious and miscellaneous rambling about Mary Tudors issue with Phillip, and questions remain as to the conflict between her and Elizabeth Valois/Queen of Scotts. The plan of succession lie in the hands of John Dudley and his trial of Jane Seymour and 300 royal seed of Arrans exiles, burned at the stake at the nightmare Castlerock, Edinburgh. That trial in star chambers, Edinburghs Castlerock has been a sacrificial alter raised by the bloody righthand of Mary and KathrynAnne for the destruction of their mutual enemy and rival, Jane Seymour, of whom they referred to as Jane Greys riot with Wyatts rebellion over the exiled Levitical priesthood. 
John did offer Jane a reprieve "higher crown" with himself in Canada in order to escape the coming nightmare for which Jane did also disregard and persisted to her higher succession in the flames alongside Wyatt, on that day of their own Wedding march for the high praise of Zion. 
        Thomas Wyatts rebellion was a direct response to the uniting armies of the Dudleys under Mary of Scots new outpost at Edinburgh, in order to protect the true reigning queen Jane Seymour and her son Edward VI from becoming the final undoing of the monasteries rites to charity altogether with a higher crown of the Vatican backed Mary of Scotts/ Elizabeth Valois or/and Isabel. 
         The sister of Jane was Anne's and her son, the infamous Henry Howard, earl of Surrey, was indeed complicit in the overthrow of Edwards protectorate in order to set Henry/Charles IX up as the head of the rites to charity. It is known that Kathryn (alias grey) was also complicit in turning her own daughter Jane over to the cross in her competition for the throne of Elizabeth with Henry/Charles Valois and the Howards, and her particular presence is questioned throughout Elizabeth's reign, due to the subversion of her son, Henrys true identity.
          The notion that they could eliminate Jane secretly lends itself further to the heresy that Kathryn and Anne were responsible for confiscating and extinguishing any records beyond Jane's exiled protestants martyrdom altogether. Kathryns true face as a De Medici would have been most identifiable during those days when she was considered by some an angel of light for her mutual disregard of Janes protestant refuge for Jewish exiles and Levitical translators by whom many were ransacked to claim any goods connected with charitys bounty as the right of the vaticans claim on any religious translations. Truly, KathrynAnne was the queen of the inquisition upon any protestants accumulating too much wealth without subjecting them to more of her random entrapments of sorcery and manufactured "indulgences" of which remedies were granted by reason of penance or tribute.
        Ultimately, Kathryn was continually subjecting the monasteries to her own pernicious demands for money under her higher throne of iniquity, and hoped to subject them all to her own grandson, Henry Howard Valois Fitzroy, in order to secure the rites to charity for herself as an assumed "higher crown" of which the monasteries had actually been referred to during that time under King Edward VI at the "higher courts of Arran."
        The final solution came when Mary Stuart and Kathryn made an alliance to be rid of their mutual rivals, if Mary would maintain the secrecy of Henry Howard, Kathryn's son as the new "higher crown" subverting and extorting the Levitical rites to charity. The exiles of Arran were then brought before the courts of midlothian at Edinburgh, Scotland under John Dudley's notorious star chambers. 
        Edward was to be exiled to Canada, in order to secure a "higher crown" for new world acquisition, preventing the reign of Edward reaching America with the sovereign rites to charity.
         So it came to pass that Jane Seymour and her family Edward, Mary and Thomas reigning at Arran, were overthrown by the Dudleys armies. Henry Howard/Charles Valois replaced the rightful heir Edward VI, subjecting them all to Mary's new alliance with John Dudley, to whom Mary would call Lyle Darnley at her bloody wedding day. It was Dudley's duty to convict Jane Seymour as Marys rival to the crown of Scotland for which Jane Seymour wanted no part. Dudley did try to persuade Jane to take a the crown in America alongside himself, which he found preferable to the dreaded reign of Mary to come. Jane chose to burn alongside Thomas Wyatt and 300 of his followers priesthood, who also referred to themselves as a higher crown in heaven on that day. The "insurgents" attained a higher martyrs crown at the hand of the new queen of scots, Mary and her detestable husband, Lyle Darnley. Robert Dudley was given the task of erasing the old crows nest of a wedding cake they all awoke to in the morning, after the mass wedding day of jezebels unholierhell bells of iniquity. Mary would never erase the dunghell that her crown became upon her own head. Kathryn/anne would take the twisted fate of their stolen so-called crown of glory a step even further beyond Marys demise.
         Jane Seymours body was buried beneath a tree on the cliff of Arran next to the house.
        The fact that Mary and Darnley had a son was of great significance to the heretical throne of Scotland, whereas his true identity was no secret, thus the continual war-zone and reproach by the general public as to validity of the heir, James.
        It is therefore no surprise that their destruction was imminent, and the questionable heir overthrown himself for the bloody illegitimacy and fraud of his parents. The explosion which was supposedly the end of Darnley, was rather a justifiably twisted retaliation by an army of dubious origin, attempting to scour the throne of Scotland of its succession altogether, which was seen as ironically successful in the eyes of the same traders Kathryn and Henry, who had mutually aligned themselves in the beginning with Mary. They did indeed wipe out the Stuart seed, and utterly blew away the infamously insane queen Mary, alongside her infant son, James as they lay in her chambers. Lyle Darnleys alias as John Dudley is highly questionable in this case and may refer to his involvement in her demise or in fact, his demise alongside her. His continuum in connection with shakespeares alias may seem another point of reference in the succession of Elizabeth and Robert Dudley. The likelier possibility of Elizabeth being the culprit to the explosion and eradication of the deranged queen of Scots and her damned heir is more relevant a question and would lead to further armadas and the possible abdication of Elizabeth and Robert Dudley to the New World for refuge. 
       To maintain the secrecy of the extinguished heir James, Marys son, it was reported that Mary had escaped harm instead with the earl of Bothwell before her alleged exile. As the mystery continues to baffle the public as to the abandoned throne, it is unquestionable that the infamous Henry Howard steps into the vacant spot as Bothwell and assumes the throne of Scotland for himself. It is quite obvious that there remains a resemblance between Howard and James, which is resolved in the distinct fact that Henry felt he was the rightful heir to England, Ireland and Scotlands monastic charity in the first place rather than any woman in the line of succession. He simply forced his will upon the entire realm, claiming the "divine rites of Kings," usurping the authorizations of the biblical translations as well under a guise of mystery for Shakespeare.
       Kathryn had been rid of her sisters rivalry and set up her own son, Henry Howard, as sovereign in Scotland. It is highly unlikely that he was content with that station. He was intent on subduing Elizabeth and her connections to Edward's charity or any publications she attempted to make concerning the vile acts of Marys reign, let alone the Howards subversion of charity. Kathryn would obviously need to subdue or censor Elizabeth's claim to the translations as Cromwell exercised his brutality over the masses in order to maintain Henry's alias. The Admirals men were created for "Shakespeares" pen name by Cromwell/ Howard for the sole purpose of deceiving the population about the identities of anyone involved in the persistent throne of imposters. It is quite clear that Kathryn had a major part in this charade in order to silence Elizabeth before growing public protest. It is also quite possible that Kathryn impersonated the queen before the Shakespearean stage herself while Elizabeth became the subject of Henry and his mother. The possibility that Henry was actually Elizabeths brother would have eliminated her chances for any peaceful succession altogether. 
The more likely alternative to Elizabeth would be Isabel Valois, supposedly Charles IX or Henrys wife. Her image is more clearly apparent for the records of Elizabeth Tudor and an abdication of the real Elizabeth Tudor is more likely than not considering the explosion at Holyrood and the elimination of Mary Stuart and her heir. Elizabeth Tudors new name in the Americas as Virginia lends more hope of her refuge in the new world than any forged stage of shakespeare where she may have been impersonated and deleted from the records by Italian Catholic fraud regimes of the following reigns until the throne of King Charles, who was suspiciously associated with french catholic libertines. 
       It is more likely than not, Elizabeth had abandoned the Shakespearean delusion set up by "James" in order to survive her own legacy of secrecy. Her abdication would become a desperate scenario of which public disclosure censored during those days of suppression. The abomination of James great pretender-usurpers and his "divine rites of Kings" similar to French catholic Henry Valois, were intent on legitimizing the many stolen riots to the translations of which Elizabeth had been betrayed by every source. Her rites to the new world to find her brother Edward if he were indeed alive, to raise up his higher courts in the new world and attain the vision of the martyrs new world throne of Justice, which was paramount to her in the end. Canada maintained a higher crown of James upon the head of Edward, for which have been the continual suppression of land rites to this day.
       It is also noteworthy that Kathryn's name is associated with the queen until the end of Elizabeths so-called reign. Kathryn was a more likely candidate for a stage of deception and imposters who finally obtained such a throne of iniquity and vanity, that puritans and pilgrims alike set it on fire, departed for freedom, and refused to mention it in the new world.
        It also explains the many obvious reasons for revolutionary riots with the old world crown in those days and in the future a fundamental steppingstone to establish a new world of religious freedom in America.

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